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Groupe Cyril Lignac EURL
Company with capital of 1000€
34 rue du Dragon
75006 Paris
RCS : Paris B497 774 067 00035
intra-EU legislation on VAT FR 35 49 77 74 067
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1&1 Internet SARL
7, place de la Gare , BP 70109 , 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
SIRET 431 303 775 000 16
APE 642 B

Intellectual Property
The structure, page layout, graphic charter, texts, data base, images, photos, sound-track, videos and all other items that go to make up this site are the exclusive property of Groupe Cyril Lignac and are protected by copyright. Any reproduction of this site, in full or in part, by whatsoever process without the consent of Groupe Cyril Lignac is prohibited and would be considered a criminal offence. The brand, trade marks and logos featured on this site are all registered trade marks unless mentioned otherwise. Any reproduction of the said logos or brands, in full or in part, made using parts of the site without the express consent of Groupe Cyril Lignac, is therefore prohibited.

The logos owned by Cyril Lignac, Le Bar des Prés and the Groupe Cyril Lignac may not be used without the prior consent of the Groupe Cyril Lignac.

Personal Data
Pursuant to the Act N°78-17 of January 6th, 1978 pertaining to data processing, files and liberties, you have a right of opposition (art. 26 of the Act), access (art. 34 to 38), and amendment (art. 36) with regards personal data. You may therefore demand the amendment, completion, clarification, updating or deletion of information that concerns you and which is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated, or whose collection, utilization, communication or retention is forbidden.

Jérôme Galland, John Carey and…